Today connection with our Snow men at Night unit we are currently doing with several other grade two classes across North America, we studied the life cycle of a snowman in science. This was an idea I took from Mrs. Morgan's class grade 2 class in Texas. - Ms. Nairn
We made a snowman today and it turned into a liquid. - Kaleigh
Today we made a science snowman and when the snowman melted we poured the water of the snowman into a kettle.We waited a little while and then the gas came out of the kettle. - Sofiya
Today we made a snowman. When we came back from recess, the snowman was almost melted. It was solid and partly liquid. Then we had another recess and then the snowman was all melted. Ms. Nairn got a kettle and she put the water in the kettle. The kettle made water turn into a gas. - Kayleigh
Mrs. Stevens got some snow and put it into a green bucket. She brought it inside so we could use it to build a snowman. Ms. Nairn chose two people at a time to make a ball out of snow for the snowman's body. Everybody got a chance. His head fell off after a few minutes because the snowman melts in heat. - Zoe
Our snowman melted and we put it in a cup. Then put it into a kettle. The we turned it on and steam came out. - Jason
When we started to build the snowman we had to splash water on the snow. - A
The snow was cold and also very, very wet. - Faith
Today we made a snowman out of snow and we had to splash into the snow because after our snowman melted we put the snowman's water into a kettle and Ms. Nairn put a bucket over it and it made steam in the bucket. - Brook
It was fun because I got to stick my hand in and make the head. When I made the head my hands weren't cold at all. - Kohen
I very much enjoyed hearing about your snowmen. It rarely snows where I live, in fact it has been almost ten years since we had our "Miracle Snow" one Christmas Eve. It snowed very heavy and then melted away again the very next day! Everyone in town built snowmen. Our city even published a book about it called "Snow, the Miracle Snow of 2004." Thank you for sharing what you learned about where snow people go when they melt.