Thursday, January 10, 2013


We are back at school after Winter Break.  This term we are learning about solids, liquids and gases, place value and 2D and 3D shapes in math, the Ojibway culture in social students and our teeth in health.

Here are some things the students wanted to share:

Yesterday we had spelling sheets and we all improved!!! So we had a little party and got pretzels.  Ms. Christian, our student teacher in not in our class everyday anymore. - Zoe
We got pretzels that were shaped like the alphabet. - Paige
Today we went to music and we played on the instruments. - Kaleigh
In math we have learned about subtraction and addition snap. - Davion
On Mondays I got skating and sometimes I go really fast and my mom gets really scared that I might hurt myself. - Kayleigh
I got a paintball gun for Christmas and I think it is the best thing I ever got. - Nathan
I got a Kobo and I put Alice in Wonderland on it. - Dylan
For Christmas I got a tablet and Halo 4.  Halo 4 has good graphics.- A

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I am so proud of all of the wonderful learning that is taking place in your class. You are such a hardworking group. I am not surprised to hear that you are all successful spellers. Keep up the great work!
    Mrs. Palamar


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I am very excited to be teaching grade 3 again this year.  I have been fortunate enough to meet all my students already and I can't wait...

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