Thursday, May 2, 2013

#Eduphotoadaymay #Music

Today we took a picture of the drums for the Instagram picture of the day. We got to pick if it was light or dark or black or light. -Vanessa and Madison.

 The word was for today's #eduphotodaymay was#music.
The picture was taken by Madison.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wacky day

Wacky Day!


A New Project is Underway!
This month, two elementary teachers in our division came up with an amazing project and it started today!  We are excited to be participating in the #eduphotoaday project for May.  You can find a link to the blog by clicking hereOur class must take a photo everyday that corresponds with the word of the day.  We then take the picture and post it on Instagram, sometimes adding filters or other effects to make the photos look a little more dazzling.  Instagram is currently available for smartphones and ipads, and we are using Ms. Nairn's Ipad take our photos and edit them.

Here is a list of each days theme courtesy of the #eduphotoaday blog:


Today's word was Us and after much discussion about what would make an interesting photo, students decided on this to represent us.

If you have an Instagram account of your own you can follow us @msnairnsclass

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Our Floating and Sinking Experiment

Today we did science and it was fun. - Paige
In science, all the table groups got tin foil and we had to make the tinfoil into a boat.  We had to put pennies in it.  We were seeing how many pennies we could put in before the boat sunk. - Sofiya
We put plasticine in water and it sunk the first time because it was in a giant ball. - Cole
When we used the plasticine it was in a ball at first.  Then we made it into the shape of a boat, put it in the water and sometimes it sunk. - Grace
At first the plasticine was in the shape of a sphere. Then we made it into a boat, we tested it by sticking it in the water.  If it wasn't good enough to float we would give it to the next person. - Madison
When we had the orange , we had to peel it to make it sink.  It didn't sink at first, until we peeled it all. - Chloe
When had the orange, we had to peel it so that the air could get out of the peel.  Then it sunk. The what happened next, that we had to throw out all of the stuff that peeled off the orange.  Then we threw the orange out and dump out the water. - Jearan
We did this experiment so that we could make things that sink float and make things that float sink. - Kylie

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Day After Spring Break Ended


April Fools!

Today it was April Fool's Day.  We watched about flying penguins.  But it was an April Fool's joke. - Kaleigh
We went to gym and we played Frozen Fruit Tag.  The teacher in Phys. Ed. calls out fruit the colour of our squads.  The colour he calls out are the taggers.  Then he calls a different colour (fruit) and those people become the taggers. - Sofiya
On April Fools Day I fooled Vanessa. - Chloe
I fooled my friend Grace.  She said "Ack".  After Grace fooled me. - Zoe
The flying penguin video did not fool me.  At first I thought they could really fly, but then I remembered that penguins can not fly. - Kohen
Yesterday was Easter. - Jason
I tried to April Fool Kohen at lunch. - Ewan
When people fool each other they should say "April Fools" - Nathan

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Gobstopper of a day!

Yesterday we made gobstoppers and we had Ms. Nairn mix four flavours; mint, vanilla, lemon and cherry.  And they were melted so she froze them. - Zoe
The gobstoppers are actually jawbreakers. - Nathan
On Wednesday we made gobstoppers and ever person in our class got a chance to do something.  The gobstoppers were rainbow coloured.  We brought the home and we got to eat them.  They were delicious. - Sofiya
I brought my Myth Buster's Confirm or Busted book so that we could make the gobstoppers. When we made them we needed sugar, water, hard candy flavouring, and a package of food colouring, - Jearan
Making the gobstoppers was really awesome and they were really yummy. - Cassidy
We actually got the idea to make the gobstoppers from the book Myth Busters. - Kohen
Ewan and Davion were having a good time licking their gobstoppers. - Kayleigh
When we made the gobstoppers we added food colouring and someone picked the colours.  I picked blue for vanilla. - Jillian
The gobstoppers had to do with solids, liquids, and gases. - Ewan
If there wasn't any water the sugar wouldn't dissolved. - Dylan
When we made the gobstoppers we had to put them into cupcake tins that had tinfoil on the inside so they wouldn't stick. - Chloe
Yesterday outside we went to the back of the school and we saw snow steaming on our school. - Madison

If you would like to make your own gobstopper at home, you can find a link here.  Please make sure to do this with an adult!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

100 Day

We Skyped with a class from Alabama.  It was fun! - Ewan
When we skyped with kids in Alabama they were having dress up day.  At the end of the day we got 100 day trail mix and a 100 day booklet.  We got 10 of each food items and then we put them into a bag. - Zoe
Today was 100 day.  It was awesome. - Chloe
Yesterday we celebrated Valentines day.  At the end of the day we went to see a magician.  A guy was showing different kinds of tricks. - Sofiya
Yesterday we saw a magician and he did magic and he read books. - Kaleigh
Yesterday we saw a magician and there was solid place and he walked through it. - Cassidy
In the 100 day booklet we had to do stuff like blink as many times as possible in 100 seconds . - A
Yesterday when we went to the magician, he showed us a bunny picture and then he opened the box again and there was a real bunny inside. - Grace
We saw the magician walk through a metal plate. - Cole
Today we got treats and we had 100 treats.  We put them in a bag and then we brought them home. - Brook
In the morning we got Oreo cookies that were 100 years old (or celebrated 100 years).  They were awesome. - Dylan

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Bubblegum Day

To kick off I Love to Read Month, we participated in Bubble Gum day, inspired by the book Lester Fizz: Bubblegum Artist, by Ruth Spiro.  We were fortunate enough to have the author join us via Skype, read her story and answer questions we had about bubblegum and writing.

Today we had Bubble gum day.  We went to an assembly and Skyped with a lady that wrote a book about gum. - Sofiya
Today we Skyped with Ruth Spiro and she read us a story about gum. - Kaleigh
We had Bubblegum Day and in order to chew gum we need to bring 50 cents, which went to buying new books for our school library.  We were allowed to bring our own packs, but we couldn't share unless we had enough for everyone.  Then we had a special assembly for an author who wrote Lester Fizz: Bubblegum Artist.  She read us the book so we didn't have to. - Zoe
We skyped with a lady.  - Cole
We chewed bubblegum after lunch. - Davion

We have Math Workstations. - Dylan
Today was the first day of February. - Chloe
Tomorrow is Ground Hog's Day - Cassidy
Today I visited the class. - Dante

Vowel Song

In class we were having a conversation about vowels and the strategy of flipping the vowel sound from short to long, when I realized that not all of us knew which letters of the alphabet were the vowels.  So we came up with this song to remember both the letters and the two sounds each of them can make, an idea I got from a lovely grade 1 teacher.

Ms. Nairn

Here is our vowel song:

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Our Class Snowman Lifecycle

Today connection with our Snow men at Night unit we are currently doing with several other grade two classes across North America, we studied the life cycle of a snowman in science.  This was an idea I took from Mrs. Morgan's class grade 2 class in Texas. - Ms. Nairn

We made a snowman today and it turned into a liquid. - Kaleigh
Today we made a science snowman and when the snowman melted we poured the water of the snowman into a kettle.We waited a little while and then the gas came out of the kettle. - Sofiya
Today we made a snowman.  When we came back from recess, the snowman was almost melted.  It was solid and partly liquid.  Then we had another recess and then the snowman was all melted.  Ms. Nairn got a kettle and she put the water in the kettle.  The kettle made water turn into a gas. - Kayleigh
Mrs. Stevens got some snow and put it into a green bucket. She brought it inside so we could use it to build a snowman. Ms. Nairn chose two people at a time to make a ball out of snow for the snowman's body.  Everybody got a chance.  His head fell off after a few minutes because the snowman melts in heat. - Zoe
Our snowman melted and we put it in a cup.  Then put it into a kettle.  The we turned it on and steam came out. - Jason
When we started to build the snowman we had to splash water on the snow. - A
The snow was cold and also very, very wet. - Faith
Today we made a snowman out of snow and we had to splash into the snow because after our snowman melted we put the snowman's water into a kettle and Ms. Nairn put a bucket over it and it made steam in the bucket. - Brook
It was fun because I got to stick my hand in and make the head.  When I made the head my hands weren't cold at all. - Kohen

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Boy + Bot = Excitment

Over winter break I took some time to look for some new books to read in our class this term.  I have been following two educators on twitter who highly recommended Boy + Bot by Ame Dyckman for students.  The first day back at school I read the book and the students loved it!  I happen to follow the author on twitter and let her know how much we enjoyed it.

Today, a package arrived in our mailbox, one I knew was coming, but the students did not.  Ame was kind enough to send my students some Boy + Bot swag.

We spent sometime predicting what might be inside the package...was it a stuffy?  a copy of the book?  a different book?  We opened the package and we were thrilled with what we found inside.

We tried on the bracelets and examined the stickers and bookmarks.

The students wanted to say thanks and so we put a quick script together and recorded it. 

Thanks again Ame!  You made our day!
-Ms. Nairn

Thursday, January 10, 2013


We are back at school after Winter Break.  This term we are learning about solids, liquids and gases, place value and 2D and 3D shapes in math, the Ojibway culture in social students and our teeth in health.

Here are some things the students wanted to share:

Yesterday we had spelling sheets and we all improved!!! So we had a little party and got pretzels.  Ms. Christian, our student teacher in not in our class everyday anymore. - Zoe
We got pretzels that were shaped like the alphabet. - Paige
Today we went to music and we played on the instruments. - Kaleigh
In math we have learned about subtraction and addition snap. - Davion
On Mondays I got skating and sometimes I go really fast and my mom gets really scared that I might hurt myself. - Kayleigh
I got a paintball gun for Christmas and I think it is the best thing I ever got. - Nathan
I got a Kobo and I put Alice in Wonderland on it. - Dylan
For Christmas I got a tablet and Halo 4.  Halo 4 has good graphics.- A

Here we come the 2018-19 school year about to begin!

I am very excited to be teaching grade 3 again this year.  I have been fortunate enough to meet all my students already and I can't wait...

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